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Synology synoshare create Error: share create failed.[0x0D00 share_is_acl_share.c:49]

Oh no, synology share creation failed ..

Trying to create a share ( here with no users) DIRECTLY on the top of your volume with e.g.

/usr/syno/sbin/synoshare --add docker-volumes "Docker volumes on diskstation" /volume1/ "" "" "" 1 0

Will yield the following error,

Error: share create failed.[0x0D00 share_is_acl_share.c:49]

but why ?

You cannot create shared volumes that are the Volume itself , just append another directory name to your path /usr/syno/sbin/synoshare --add docker-volumes "Docker volumes on diskstation" /volume1/ "myvolume" "" "" 1 0

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