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[HowTo] send Uptime-Robot notifications to Telegram groups or how to GET-request anything via Telegram

Since there was no chance , not even adding uptime-robot’s TG bot to a a group and sed the start token.

And it came in handy , you could monitor everything also from node.js or other languages.

With this method you could basically let everything send Messages to telegram ( although you should not hand out your bot credentials and use some intermediate Message-Router , you can even use node-red or n8n )

Sample Setup

  • Create a new contact ( here we use Alerts since the time is not given in DOWN messages)

    Alert contacts for UptimeRobot to Telegram

The UP notification ( you can use this for both UP & DOWN events )

Setting Value
URL https://api.telegram.org/bot1234:BOTTOKEN/sendMessage?chat_id=-987654321&
Message {"chat_id":-987654321,"text":" <u><b>UpTimeRbot:</b></u> <a href="*monitorURL*"> *monitorFriendlyName* </a> I status: <b> *alertTypeFriendlyName* </b> I detail: <code>*alertDetails*</code> I changed after: *alertDuration* s ","disable_web_page_preview":true,"parse_mode":"HTML"}

The DOWN notification

Setting Value
URL https://api.telegram.org/bot1234:BOTTOKEN/sendMessage?chat_id=-987654321&
Message {"chat_id":-987654321,"text":" <u><b>UpTimeRbot:</b></u> <a href="*monitorURL*"> *monitorFriendlyName* </a> I status: <b> *alertTypeFriendlyName* </b> I detail: <code>*alertDetails*</code> I ","disable_web_page_preview":true,"parse_mode":"HTML"}

Alert contacts for UptimeRobot to Telegram

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